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Brinjal Chutney

Updated: Oct 31, 2020

Flavourful chutney which makes many people yearn for.The blend of the vegetable with tangy tomatoes and tamarind enriches the flavour.

Serves : 3

Cooking Time :20 min

Ingredients :

Brinjal 10 nos [chopped ]

Green chilly 4 nos

Onion 1 no [chopped ]

Tomatoes 2 nos [ blend it ]

Curry leaves a few

Tamarind ½ ‘ piece

Turmeric ¼ tsp

Oil 2 tsp

Salt to taste

Method :

In a kadai heat oil add chillies fry a little add chopped brinjal ,curry leaves turmeric and salt .

Fry on slow heat till the brinjal is cooked .When this cools down grind to a coarse paste,

In a kadai heat oil add mustard as it splutters add the blended tomatoes and let it cook till the mixture thickens.

Then add the brinjal mixture and stir well for few minutes .

Switch off the flame and add the chopped onions and mix well.

Spicy tangy chutney is ready ,can be served with chappathi dosai ,iddli.

A definite hit all time !!

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