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Brinjal Fry

Brinjal Fry is one of the most easy and tasty dishes.

The Brinjal binds well with the spice powders and when roasted in oil,its simply delicious.

Brinjal actually needs acquired taste , but this fry proves to be all time favourite of one and all.

Serves : 3-4

Cooking time : 25 min

Ingredients :

Brinjal 2 ( medium & sliced )

Chilly Powder 1 tsp

Turmeric Powder ½ tsp

Fennel Powder ¾ - 1 tsp

Rice Flour 1 -11/2 tsp

Salt to taste

Oil 3-4 tbsp

Method :

Slice the Brinjal and place it water.( to prevent darkening )

Mix all the powders with water to a spreadable paste .

Apply this on the brinjal slices and let it sit for 30 min to 1 hr.

Now shallow fry in oil to golden brown .

Serve hot.

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