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Cow Peas Vada

Most tastiest Vada !!

Cow Peas Vada is a drooling delicacy !!

This Cow Peas Vada is very easy to make and a heart stealer too. The Cow Peas is a tough dhal so overnight soaking suggested for a smooth taste.

Cow peas 1 cup ( soaked overnight )

Red chilly 2

Cumin ¾ tsp

Ginger ½ ‘

Asafoetida ½ tsp

Onion 1 ( chopped )

Coriander leaves 2-3 tbsp ( chopped )

Salt to taste

Oil to deep fry

Method :

Grind coarsely ginger , red chilly , cumin, asafoetida ,cow peas and salt .

To this add onions and coriander leaves , mix well , make into rounds ,then flatten it .

Deep fry to golden brown.

Serve hot.

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