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Curd bread

Curd Bread is a simple dish . This was the households favourite. The left over or dry bread can be used too.

Bread with curds is simply tasty.

Must Try !!

Serves : 3

Cooking Time : 15 min

Ingredients :

Mustard ¼ tsp

Urad dhal ¼ tsp

Chana dhal ¼ tsp

Onion 1 ( chopped )

Green chilly 2 ( slit )

Red chilly 1

Milk 1 cup

Curds 4-5 tbsp ( to taste )

Coriander leaves to garnish

Sugar 1 tsp ( optional )

Bread slices 6 ( chopped )

Oil 1 tsp

Method :

In a pan heat oil ,throw in mustard ,urad dhal and channa dhal ,let it splutter.

Add onions ,green & red chilly , give it a toss , let it change colour.

Add chopped bread slices ,salt to taste and toss.

Transfer it to a bowl ,add milk once its room temperature ,coriander leaves sugar ( if adding ) and curds ,give a mix.

Serve as soon as its mixed .In case it has thickened add milk or curds to preference.

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