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Ice apple Payasam

Must try !!

Ice apple payasam a summer treat !!

Beat the heat with this delicious fun treat !!

Its cooling for the stomach and enjoyable in summer !!

Ingredients :-

Ice apple            4-5 (peeled & chopped )

Sugar                   4-6 tbsp (to taste )

Milk                    1 lit

Almonds            6 -8 nos

Saffron              6-8 strands

Method :-

Soak almond ‘s in hot water for 30 min.

Peel the skin & grind to fine paste with a few spoons of milk.

Boil milk in a thick bottomed vessel for a couple of min. (10 min )

As the milk is boiling add the saffron.

Now add sugar and boil well till raw smell leaves.

Now switch the flame off and let it cool to room temperature.

Now add the chopped ice apples and refrigerate  it.

Serve it well chilled .

Tastes best when cold.

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