This curry has a very subtle taste .Rich in iron and good for immunity boosting.For the existing crisis we require loads of immunity .
Serves 3 to 4 persons
Cooking time 30 min
Ingredients :
Grind all the below ingredients to a coarse paste :
Small onions 10 nos
Redchilly 3 to 4 nos
Tur dhal 1 to 2 tbs
Desicatted coconut 3 to 4 tbs
Coriander seeds 1 to 11/2 tbs
To season :
Mustard ¼ tsp
Urad dhal ¼ tsp
Small onions 3 or 4 nos [ chopped ]
Oil 1 tsp
Turmeric ¼ tsp
Salt to taste
Moringa a cup [ Clean and wash the leaves ]
Method :
In a vessel bring water to boil ,add the leaves and cook well .
When its fully cooked ,cool it and squeeze out the water and keep aside.
Add the ground paste to the cooked leaves with salt and turmeric .
In a kadai heat oil add mustard ,urad dhal when it turns brown add onions and let it brown.
Now add the leaves and paste mixture with 1 cup water and let it simmer till raw smell leaves .
Serve hot with rice/doasa/iddli.
Suggested to take at least once a week.